(MIT Press Essential Knowledge series) Every day it seems that more and more of our daily lives are automated via technology. Remember watching “The Jetsons” and being envious of all the cool technology they had? We may not be living in houses in the air and traveling in space cars (yet) but many of the […]
REVIEW: Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know
Broken down into easy-to-understand stories and language, cyber security is explained in a way that is relevant to everyone. Though published in 2014, the message that cyber security affects everyone is still relevant today and maybe even more so given the recent attacks in the headlines from Solar Winds to the Colonial Pipeline Ransomware attack. […]
REVIEW: Cyber Security Basics: Protect Your Organization by Applying the Fundamentals
Cyber security does not have to be complicated. As a matter of fact, the more complicated, the more vulnerable your network will be. For a small business, county government or anyone who has responsibility for protecting the data and access to their network, this is a good basic primer to explain the fundamentals of cyber […]
BOOK REVIEW: Lucky’s Superpower Story
The Preparedness without Paranoia 501(c)3 has created a mascot that children can relate to and learn from as they navigate the new issues during the pandemic. Lucky® the Preparedness Dog shares his story in 4 books. The first book talks about the new skills of social distancing, washing hands and wearing face masks. The second […]