“A rising tide raises all ships.” We’ve all heard that the more you give, the more you receive. That’s just as true in cyber security. Think about a city in which a burglar breaks into a house. What happens if the homeowner decides not to notify the police? First, they will likely not retrieve their […]
Phishing emails increase by 569%: How to spot and avoid them
Your organization probably gets a few phishing emails EVERY DAY! That doesn’t mean you have to be a victim. First, we should answer the question, What are phishing emails? Phishing is a form of social engineering in which cyber criminals entice a user into doing something that will allow the criminal into the system or […]
Cyber Security: A Strategic Investment for a Safer and More Successful World
Whenever I have the opportunity to speak with county officials, I always acknowledge that resources are limited, and they are required to respond to many urgent requirements. Floods, tornados, snowstorms, windstorms, etc.
One thing I do point out is that cyber security is preventative. It is an investment to ensure you do not have to deal with an exponential cost later once you have been hit with a cyber attack. So budgeting for a small monthly amount is much better than the open-ended expense of a ransom, clean-up, recovery, replacement, downtime, etc. (This doesn’t touch the issues that come with the loss of data and loss of trust.)
Is your lack of cyber security hurting your credit score?
Over the past year, we have heard much about the insurance industry and changes to cyber security and the cyber insurance application and approval process. It makes sense when you think about it. Insurance companies want to know that their clients are using good cyber security measures to protect themselves and reduce the number and […]
The Hacker’s Paradox: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Cyber Attack
Cyber secure means that you can deter a cyber attack or can recover quickly with little to no damage from an attack. We are a perfect example. This week, Commonwealth Sentinel’s website was hit with hundreds of cyber attack attempts from the same IP address in Singapore. Thanks to regular patching and having the proper […]
You got a Cyber Security Grant… Now, What do You do?
The letters to the recipients of the DHS State and Local Cyber Security Grant Program (SLCGP) should be released any day now. Yes, I know we have been hearing that since December, but realistically speaking, it really should be soon. It has to be because soon since CISA will have to announce details for Year […]