If you are a business owner or organization manager, you likely have seen people come and go. New people are hired, and others leave or maybe let go. Are the accounts those people had you forgotten about? Those are secret accounts
When a new person is hired, one of the first things you do is ensure that they have an email account and access to the network and any programs that they need to do their job.
However, when people leave, we often find that organizations are less diligent in ensuring that these accesses are removed or that they are removed quickly, especially if it was not a pleasant departure.
Just as you likely have a procedure whereby you set up these accounts/accesses, you should also have a policy that states inactive email addresses are disabled and any other account credentials are removed. Additionally, any common passwords or PINs for entering the facility should be changed.
At Commonwealth Sentinel, we can evaluate your existing IT security and work with your team to improve it. We can also provide a complete source of services. At Commonwealth Sentinel, we stay focused on cyber security so you can focus on other things. Contact us today or sign up for a free consultation.
At Commonwealth Sentinel, we stay focused on cyber security so you can focus on other things.