You’ve likely seen the black-and-white speckled squares more and more over the last few years. You scan them with a smartphone to access services or apps, but are you practicing good QR Code Security?
But since the pandemic, restaurants and stores are using them more often in an effort to protect their customers and employees from COVID-19. For example, when you go to a restaurant, instead of touching a menu, you would scan the QR code which opens the menu on your phone. You can even order via your phone in some cases.
However, as with all new technology uses, cyber criminals are taking advantage of it to commit cyber crimes.
A criminal can create a sticker with a fake QR code that is put on top of a legitimate QR code. When you scan it, thinking it is taking you to a legitimate site, it actually infects your mobile device.
You should also avoid scanning QR codes that offer free internet access. In general, avoid QR codes on walls or windows or any that appears to be made from a sticker.
At Commonwealth Sentinel, we can help keep you and your organization safe from malicious QR codes through technological, training, and policy solutions. Contact us today at 502-320-9885 for more information, or click here to schedule a free consultation.