So when you call in a cyber security consultant, what do they do? Let’s look at an analogy – your health.
When you go to the doctor, they ask you several questions about your medical history, what aches or pains you may have, your family medical history, your activity level, what medications you take, etc. They will then do an examination and may even run some tests. They can then prescribe the best course of action to help you get healthy, whether that means surgery, changes in lifestyle, or medications.
In the same way, when you bring in a cyber security consultant, we ask questions about your network, examine your systems, and run tests. We can then correctly prescribe the changes that should be implemented to make your network healthy and help you maintain that health.
Speaking with IT consultants who work with our clients, they have used a similar analogy. As one IT consultant said, “I’m like the general practitioner [in IT]. [Cyber security consultants] are the specialists.”
Many organizations believe that if they have an IT consultant, they automatically have cyber security. This is not necessarily true. While most IT consultants can provide basic cyber security, they do not focus on it. Their focus is on ensuring their client has the technical tools to be efficient and operational. Cyber security consultants protect systems with tools such as anti-virus, patching protocols, endpoint detection, traffic analysis/monitoring, DNS protection, firewalls, security training, and more.
So before you experience a “disease” that may harm your system irreparably, contact a cyber security consultant before it’s too late.
At Commonwealth Sentinel, we can evaluate your existing IT security and work with your team to improve it. We can also provide a complete source of services. At Commonwealth Sentinel, we stay focused on cyber security so you can focus on other things. Contact us today or sign up for a free consultation.
At Commonwealth Sentinel, we stay focused on cyber security so you can focus on other things.