It’s like Christmas in July!! Or Cyber Security in October.
Although we dedicate the month to highlighting and raising awareness of cyber security, it is important to remember that cyber security is something that we should practice every day of the year.
This year’s theme is “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.”
The primary message is that each of us must recognize our own responsibility in cyber security. Even if you aren’t an IT or cyber expert, you have a responsibility to protect yourself, your family, and your employer in cyber space.
Each week of October will focus on a different aspect of cyber security. This week, Oct 4-10, the focus is “Be Cyber Smart”. Basic cyber hygiene is the best first step in protecting ourselves and our communities. In this week’s “Tip of the Week” you will find good suggestions on how to do that.
As CISA Director Jen Easterly recently stated, “Everyone from K to Gray must understand what they need to do” because NO ONE is immune from cyber attacks. Even if your grandparents are not “online”, their information still is. Plus, they may receive phone calls from people trying to trick them into providing information that can be used to access their accounts.
Ironically, Director Easterly states that “Cyber is a team sport” and that “it all comes down to relationships and trust”. Yes, we must work together to protect all of us and trust each other that we are all doing our part. However, at the same time, we need to be somewhat “untrusting” and suspicious of emails, text messages, and phone calls that are used to trick us.
It truly brightens my day when my 78-year old dad tells me that he received a phone call, a text, or email and he hung up or deleted it. This is a man who sees the good in everybody but he knows, after having to listen to me all these years, that he must be careful. Now to get all my aunts and uncles to be as suspicious as I’ve made him.
Maybe I’ll just send them all a copy of this newsletter.