The State and Local Cybersecurity Grant Program (SLCGP) was launched in September of last year, providing an impressive $1 billion over four years to support state and local cyber security initiatives across the US.
Kentucky’s Year 1 Grant awards have been announced after several months of anticipation. We would like to extend our congratulations to all the recipients, particularly those who are clients who will share in the $3.6 million grant funds.
Barren River Area Development District
The City of Bowling Green
Christian County Fiscal Court
Elliott County Fiscal Court
The City of Franklin
Green River Area Development District
Jackson County Fiscal Court
Kenton County Fiscal Court
Kentucky River Area Development District
Louisville/Jefferson County Metropolitan Sewer District (MSD)
The City of Nicholasville
The City of Paducah
Pendleton County Fiscal Court
Rowan County Fiscal Court
Taylor County Government
Union County Fiscal Court
Woodford County Fiscal Court
Kentucky Finance and Administration Cabinet (COT)
Kentucky State Board of Elections
All recipients should have received their award notification by now. If you are on the list of recipients but haven’t received notification yet, we suggest contacting the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security (KOHS) immediately.
Cyber attacks target small government agencies, and unfortunately, they have been historically under-protected. Unlike larger organizations, state and local governments cannot always afford the latest cyber security tools or experienced security teams. As a result, they are at a disadvantage when it comes to defending against well-funded and experienced cyber criminals.”
During the first year, the main goal was to create a solid base for a long-lasting cyber security program. To achieve this, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), FEMA, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) prioritized conducting assessments and evaluations to identify any weaknesses that could be addressed through various projects throughout the duration of the grant program.
The window for Year Two of the grant hasn’t been officially announced yet. Initially expected in the Spring of 2023, the window is now expected to be sometime in September through late October or early November.
Like last year, it is expected that there will be a match required from the entity applying. Last year, it was a 10% match, and this year, the expectation is a 20% match. Kentucky’s share of the grant this year should be about $6 million. Like FY ’22, once the work is finished, the federal government will reimburse the funds.
If you need assistance with preparing a grant application, Commonwealth Sentinel can help. Our team includes an in-house grant writer who can complete the application for you, or our technical team can provide guidance on the more complex aspects of the application. Feel free to contact us for more information.