Everyone hears about the concept of a phishing attack. The quintessential “Nigerian Prince” or the link to check on a charge to your card trying to elicit your account login information. I receive at least one, if not more, text message every day wanting me to click on a link to check on my Amazon […]
Weak Cyber Security Can Damage Your Business in Many Ways
You probably understand the immediate damage that inadequate cyber security can do to your organization, but few think about the long-term consequences. Ransomware attacks can cause data loss, ransom payments, halted operations, and increased costs to fix and make your systems secure (which you should have done before you were hit). Misconfigured systems may be […]
Basic Cyber Hygiene is Critical to Remaining Cyber Safe!
What is Cyber Hygiene? Cyber Hygiene isn’t what you were taught in health class about keeping your private parts clean. There are similarities. If you follow some basic rules to protect yourself, you can protect yourself from embarrassing problems down the road. Passwords Don’t use passwords. Instead, use PassPhrases. Instead of trying to come up […]
National Cyber Security Awareness Month is Here!!
It’s like Christmas in July!! Or Cyber Security in October. Although we dedicate the month to highlighting and raising awareness of cyber security, it is important to remember that cyber security is something that we should practice every day of the year. This year’s theme is “Do Your Part. #BeCyberSmart.” The primary message is that […]
What to Do if Your Facebook Profile is Cloned
If you ever receive a Facebook friend request from someone with whom you are already Facebook friends, DO NOT accept the invitation, and DO notify your actual friend what has happened. Their Facebook profile is Cloned… Yes, having a clone would be great to help get your work done, do your housework, or go to […]
Think a Cyber Attack Can’t Happen to You?… Well, it Happened to Me (Part 2)
(Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying about a Cyber Attack and Love the Cyber Security Process) In Part 1, I told you about my experience as the victim of a cyber attack when someone cloned my Facebook page and started sending out “friend requests” to my Facebook friends. So they could then converse with […]