Be Honest: Have you ever connected personal devices to the work Wi-Fi without permission? Most of us have without even thinking about it. The use of unauthorized and unmanaged applications or devices is known as Shadow IT, and it presents a significant threat to the security and integrity of sensitive data stored on corporate networks. […]
Wake-up Call: Cyber Security Compliance Doesn’t Belong with the IT Department
Have you ever considered what would happen if your outsourced IT company or your IT department couldn’t keep up with the growth of your organization and your cyber security needs? It could potentially put you at risk. Wouldn’t it be helpful to be informed about this kind of risk? Consider this article as your wake-up […]
The Cyber Security Dangers of Outdated Technology
How old is your oldest personal device? (Phone, tablet, PC or laptop, smart TV) Continuing to use outdated applications poses a significant threat to your cyber security, whether it’s been one year, five, or even ten. Act now to protect yourself! If you don’t update your phone’s software, some apps may not work or update […]
Business Email Compromise BEC…The Silent Killer
Business Email Compromise (BEC)…sounds like something you might learn about in business school. Sounds almost boring. However, in reality, it is one of the main sources of online fraud, even topping ransomware.
Ransomware: The Growing Threat and How to Fight Back
Ransomware attackers are becoming more sophisticated and finding ways to bypass existing defenses. Here are some effective protection strategies for your organization.
Are you a target for spear phishing? Learn how to protect yourself.
Are you a target for spear phishing? If you are a mid to senior-level manager in on organization, then chances are that you are. It is worth noting that over 70% of the recipients of the “Be Cyber Safe Newsletter” are individuals in positions of authority, such as elected officials, senior managers, directors, or middle-level managers, who are the primary targets of spear phishing attacks.