Many security experts recommend that organizations obtain cyber insurance. However, these same organizations often do not fully understand cyber insurance or how it works. Just like health insurance cannot keep you from getting sick, or car insurance keeps you from having an accident, cyber insurance cannot keep you from becoming the victim of a cyber […]
REVIEW: The Internet of Things
(MIT Press Essential Knowledge series) Every day it seems that more and more of our daily lives are automated via technology. Remember watching “The Jetsons” and being envious of all the cool technology they had? We may not be living in houses in the air and traveling in space cars (yet) but many of the […]
TIP: Protect Yourself from Doxing
Doxing is one of those new terms that have evolved with the information age. It comes from a combination of the words “dropping” and “documents” (or “docs” for short) meaning to release information about someone. Basically, it’s just another form of cyber crime. Doxing is clearly something that can affect anyone because of the ease […]
Doxing to Swatting, Cyber Crime Techniques to Understand
Doxing is one of those new terms that have evolved with the information age. It comes from a combination of the words “dropping” and “documents” (or “docs” for short), which means to release information about someone. Basically, it’s just another form of cyber crime. The most recent example was May 11, 2021, when the personal […]
REVIEW: Cybersecurity and Cyberwar: What Everyone Needs to Know
Broken down into easy-to-understand stories and language, cyber security is explained in a way that is relevant to everyone. Though published in 2014, the message that cyber security affects everyone is still relevant today and maybe even more so given the recent attacks in the headlines from Solar Winds to the Colonial Pipeline Ransomware attack. […]
Scan Safely: Essential Tips for QR Code Security
You’ve likely seen the black-and-white speckled squares more and more over the last few years. You scan them with a smartphone to access services or apps, but are you practicing good QR Code Security? But since the pandemic, restaurants and stores are using them more often in an effort to protect their customers and employees […]