January 22nd through the 28th is Data Privacy Week. It’s okay if it snuck up on you because this is only the second one. Just like Cyber Security Awareness Month in October, the purpose of Data Privacy Week is to bring attention and awareness to the importance of protecting your data online. That is, to […]
Cyber Security is not a Product
If Cyber Security isn’t a product, then what exactly is it? It’s many things, actually.
Cyber Security is a PROCESS.
Would You Know What to Do in a Cyber Attack?
It’s 5:00 on Friday afternoon. You’re ready for a well-deserved weekend of relaxation and sleep. But as you log off your computer, it happens. Your network is hit with a cyber attack!
Securing Your New Technology Toys
Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderful holiday, ate great food, spent quality time with family and friends, and received the latest and greatest technology gifts that Santa could bring. The little child in all of us loves that feeling of getting new toys and playing with them as soon as we can […]
What do you mean anti-virus and firewall aren’t enough cyber security?
We often hear folks say, “already have cyber security” because they have anti-virus and firewall. They feel like that is enough to protect them from cyber attacks. However, this is a false sense of security. Here’s why. Cyber Security and Phishing First, phishing attacks account for most cyber attacks. A successful phishing attempt can result […]
K-12 Cyber Security threats snowball and schools are hard-pressed to respond
The world has certainly changed since I was a child. I am willing to bet that if you are over 30, you likely have a similar opinion, and it is not about K-12 Cyber Security. It’s everything! The idea of someone coming into our school with a gun would never have crossed our minds. If […]