Cybercrime has reached an all-time high, and hackers are targeting small and medium businesses as they are considered easy targets. To avoid becoming their next victim, it is important to understand the most common ways that hackers gain access and take steps to protect yourself. Here are the most common methods used by hackers.
- Take Advantage of Poorly Trained Employees: The #1 vulnerability for business networks is the employees using them.
- They Exploit Device Usage Outside of Company Business: You have either no policy or a policy that sets few or no restrictions on how company-owned devices, software, Internet access, and email may be used by employees.
- They Take Advantage of WEAK Password Policies: Passwords with fewer than 8 characters and that do not contain lowercase and uppercase letters, symbols, and at least one number are easy to crack. Passwords that are rarely changed also offer greater opportunities to hackers.
- They Attack Networks That Are Not Properly Patched with The Latest Security Updates: New vulnerabilities are frequently found in operating systems and common software programs you are using, such as Microsoft Office.
- They Attack Networks with No Backups or Simple Single Location Backups: Not having a solid, reliable backup can leave you with few choices in the event of a ransomware attack.
- They Exploit Networks with Employee Installed Software: One of the fastest ways cybercriminals access networks is by duping unsuspecting users to willfully download malicious software by embedding it within downloadable files, games, or other “innocent” looking apps.
- They Attack Inadequate Firewalls: A firewall should act as the frontline defense against hackers. Without proper monitoring and maintenance, the firewall may fail to stop everything you haven’t specifically allowed to enter (or leave) your computer network.
- They Attack Your Devices When You’re Off the Office Network: It’s not uncommon for hackers to set up fake public Wi-Fi access points to try and get you to connect to THEIR Wi-Fi over the legitimate, safe public one made available to you.
- They Use Phishing E-mails to Fool You Into Thinking That You’re Visiting A Legitimate Web Site: A phishing e-mail is a bogus e-mail that is carefully designed to look like a legitimate request (or attached file) from a site you trust in an effort to get you to willingly give up your login information to a particular web site or to click and download a virus.
- They Use Social Engineering and Pretend To Be You: This is a classic 21st-century tactic. Hackers pretend to be you to reset your passwords. In 2009, social engineers posed as Coca-Cola’s CEO, persuading an exec to open an e-mail with software that infiltrated the network.
Are You a Sitting Duck to Hackers?

If you run a small business, local government or non-profit are under attack. Right now, extremely dangerous and well-funded cybercrime rings in China and Russia are using sophisticated software systems to hack into thousands of small organizations like yours to steal credit cards and client information and swindle money directly out of your bank account.
Let Commonwealth Sentinel assist in reducing risks and ensuring everyone’s well-being. Our services include software and hardware solutions, training, and policy implementation. We offer a complimentary and confidential consultation with our advisors to discuss your concerns. This service is entirely free and could provide you with valuable insights. To schedule a consultation, click on the link here, or you may contact us at (502) 320-9885.