Whether you like it or not, you have an online persona. When you apply for a job or school, or when you meet someone new, it’s very likely that you will be “Googled” before you have the chance to make a traditional first impression. These days, the first impression is what people learn about you online.
Some people use this to portray themselves in a very positive light with edited photos on Facebook and positive posts. Then again, your friends may post photos of you at a frat party you don’t remember. Not a good thing when you’re up for a job promotion.
Even as people value their privacy, they turn around and post very personal information online. This can also be used by people with ill intentions to stalk or commit other crimes against you.
Beyond personal reputation is your business. A negative review can hurt sales while positive reviews can increase them.
This book offers insight into the world of online identity and how you can protect yourself, your family and your business online.